Proclamation of Martial Law in Jerusalem by British General Edmund Allenby, Dece…

Proclamation of Martial Law in Jerusalem by British General Edmund Allenby, Dece...

Proclamation of Martial Law in Jerusalem by British General Edmund Allenby, December 1917.

Ingiliz General Edmund Allenby tarafından yayınlanan Kudüs’teki sıkıyönetim bildirgesi, Aralık 1917.

إعلان القانون العسكري في القدس من قبل الجنرال البريطاني إدموند ألنبي، كانون الاول/ديسمبر ١٩١٧. #ottomanempire #ottoman #tarih #Allah #syria #palestine #sultan #history #istanbul #islam #osmanlı #photo #photography #photographer #photooftheday #picoftheday #picture #turkey #turkiye #love #painting #paint #ayasofya #malaysia #singapore #indonesia #pakistan #egypt

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